Saturday, December 19, 2020

A Truly Spiritual Man

“I can see you marrying a missionary one day,” my dad remarked on our way back from church a few weeks ago.

Nodding, I smiled and added, “Or a pastor!”

I’m not sure where my statement came from, since I truly have never thought about marriage to a pastor before. But it certainly got me thinking 🤔

The truth is, I would be happy to marry any man, no matter what his vocation, provided he had a true and intimate relationship with the Lord.

Unfortunately, many women judge the spiritual level of men by unrealistic standards. They think that just because a man doesn’t read the Bible or pray as often as many Christian women do, then he must be on a lower spiritual level.

But one thing the weaker sex fails to acknowledge is the fact that men (in general) tend to be far less emotional and sensitive than their counterpart.

This is why men usually do not attend spiritual retreats in droves or become involved with countless church ministries and Bible studies.

And this difference between the sexes is not a bad thing. It is actually quite normal, and has to do with how we’re wired. Yet sadly, it is often a point of marital contention and frustration for many couples.

As women, we must understand the incredible responsibility men have in providing for their household. Good men who take this mandate seriously, simply do not have time for the kind of religious pursuits women at home enjoy.

Allow me to state an unpopular truth: if your husband (or husband to be) is faithful (to God & family), hard working, generous and kind, then he is a spiritual man.

Because more than anything else, his example and character will determine the course of your family - whether for good or for evil.

So yes, while I wouldn’t mind being the wife of a pastor or a missionary, my ultimate desire is to marry a man who understands his role and responsibility before God.

That is the kind of spiritual leader I’d be happy to serve under.

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