Friday, April 16, 2021

The Virtuous Woman Inspires

The goal of every virtuous woman is to inspire the man in her life towards greatness, both now and in the hereafter.

A Woman's Most Important Trait

The most important trait a woman can posses is fear of the Lord.
Because if a woman truly fears God, she will:
Cultivate a meek & quiet spirit
Love and respect her husband
Love her children, training them up in the way they should walk
Be discreet & chaste; modest in her behavior & dress
Prioritize the home, busying herself in the keeping of it
Be obedient to her own husband, submitting to him in all things with due reverence

Such a woman will strive to be always virtuous, industrious, compassionate, thoughtful, trustworthy, hospitable, kind, humble and wise.
The Lord has given us a blueprint, dear sisters. Let us set our eyes heavenward and press on towards the goal! 

Please read: 1 Peter 3:4, Titus 2:3-5, 1 Timothy 2:9, Ephesians 5:22-24, and Proverbs 31:10-31 

Her Goals

 A clean house, a hot meal, and an atmosphere of quiet peace. 

These are the goals of every good, traditional woman come evening time.

"She watches over the ways of her household, and does not eat the bread of idleness."

-Proverbs 31:27

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Happy Wife, Happy Life?

Happy wife, happy life? 🤔

Actually, it is not the husband's job to make his wife happy. Happiness is a state of mind she must ultimately decide for herself. Instead, his job is to make sure she feels treasured (special and loved), safe (secure and protected) and respected (honored as the weaker vessel).

Perhaps a better saying would be, "Holy spouse, happy house," because a marriage built on godly principles is a foretaste of heaven. 

Do You Desire a Life Long Marriage?

My advice to women desiring a lifelong marriage:

1. Let your husband be.

If you keep to a clean diet, while he prefers the occasional junk food - let him enjoy what he likes! If he has hobbies he likes to engage in after work - encourage them. Do not make your disapproval of any of his choices known, whether by word, attitude or action. Give your husband the freedom to do be who he is and to do what makes him happy, provided it isn't harming you or the children. Remember - no man wants a mother for a wife. It is NOT your responsibility to raise your husband.

2. Dress for him.

If there is any person you should be seeking to please, it is your husband. Whose opinion could ever come close to his? Therefore, if your husband likes you to dress a certain way, then by all means do so! And if he does not approve of an item of clothing you wear, it would be wise to give it up. As Timothy Gordon of the Rules for Retrogrades podcast recently quipped, "Don't be a walking contraceptive!" 😉 Most men want their wives to look beautiful.

3. Respect him, regardless of your feelings.

A husband wants his wife's complete loyalty. He needs to know that he can trust you, even while absent. Therefore, always seek to protect his reputation. Do not ever demean him or his choices, no matter what mistakes he has made. If you do not approve of something he says in a conversation, it is better to keep silent than to risk losing his trust by voicing your disapproval in front of everyone. Remember, "the heart of her husband doth safely trust in her" (Prov. 31:11). A wise woman honors her husband at all times

Sunday, December 20, 2020

The Independent Woman is Unbiblical

I have never wanted to be an independent woman. 

It was pride and a desire for independence which caused Satan's downfall. The truth is, God made men and women to be dependent on one another and on Him. We were not created to be an island. Remember Adam in the garden? God said, "It is not good for man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him." And thus, the first family was formed.

This may be an unpopular opinion today, but I truly believe unmarried women should live at home with their parents until marriage. This does not mean a woman cannot seek outside employment or continue her education if that is indeed her desire, but if she is wise, she will not move out. 

Apart from the physical and spiritual protection afforded her through this arrangement, by remaining at home, she will be able to save an untold amount of money, thus freeing her to enter marriage without any debt. 

But to remain at home requires a certain level of maturity and self-sacrifice. A woman sharing a home with her parents is no longer a child. She cannot expect to be waited on and must strive to do her part, becoming a sort of co-homemaker alongside her mother.

In my own situation as an adult daughter at home, I prepare many of the family meals and work at maintaining the areas my children and I occupy neat and tidy.

I have never been independent by the world's standards, nor have I ever had the desire or the inclination to live on my own. The notion that a woman needs to move out of the family home as soon as she reaches adulthood is a modern invention made all the more popular through the pervasive rise of feminist ideology. Biblical patriarchy certainly lends no support to this dangerous idea

As for me, I have always thrived under the leadership and loving protection of a strong male guardian. It is a blessing I know not every woman is able to have, thus I never wish to take it for granted.

Saturday, December 19, 2020

Purity: True Love Waits

“You will not lift the veil of my body until you lift the veil over my face.” 
-Jason Evert 

It was my 15th birthday, a time when, according to my culture, a girl transitions into a young woman. I was given the most precious gift - a purity ring. 

To be honest, I don’t remember exactly what my parents said when they presented me with my ring. But I remember feeling the significance of the moment as I took the ring out of its box and fit it onto my finger. The words “True Love Waits” were engraved onto its surface. I clung to this truth, knowing that God would bless my obedience. I did not take that ring off until my wedding day four years later, when I presented myself as a virgin in every way before my husband.

I have never regretted doing things God’s way. The Lord created sex to be enjoyed *only* within the safe confines of a committed marriage. His Word is clear. Purity protects. The world wants to convince young people that “safe” sex involves seeking consent and using contraceptives, but according to the Bible, abstinence before marriage is the only way. Problems abound when God’s ways are ignored. Like a loving Father, He provides boundaries for our own good. And obedience to His Word always brings blessings 😊

Because I know we live in a fallen world, I want to remind you of another beautiful truth: if you have made mistakes in this area, there is grace, forgiveness, mercy and healing with our Heavenly Father 💛 He makes all things new!